Being a VIP Member gets you the best activewear at the best prices! That means 45% off everything!!
You will receive free shipping on all orders over $49.99, and free exchanges within 10 days.
Membership benefits include access to exclusive products and member credits which unlocks our best savings 45% of everything when redeemed and can be redeemed for any item up to $100. Member credits expire after 12 months.
Earn Sankofa loyalty points with each purchase ($1 = 1 point) and earn Cash Rewards and free gear as you accumulate points!
Don’t want to be charged for the month? Visit the site between the 1st and 5th of the month, click “Skip the Month” and you won’t be charged.
You will receive free shipping on all orders over $49.99, and free exchanges within 10 days.
Membership benefits include access to exclusive products and member credits which unlocks our best savings 45% of everything when redeemed and can be redeemed for any item up to $100. Member credits expire after 12 months.
Earn Sankofa loyalty points with each purchase ($1 = 1 point) and earn Cash Rewards and free gear as you accumulate points!
Don’t want to be charged for the month? Visit the site between the 1st and 5th of the month, click “Skip the Month” and you won’t be charged.