We are proud to announce our partnership with The Painted Pink our goal is to help a community-based, nonprofit organization with a mission to improve the health and well-being of underserved Black women and their families. Painted Pink, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit dedicated to educating and empowering every millennial to take charge of their breast health. They support millennials with access to mentors, resources, and medical professionals who understand the intersection of breast health and the realities of breast cancer for this generation. They are proponents of the purposely pink lifestyle knowing your genetic history and being proactive about fitness, nutrition, and clean beauty practices.
Our brand produces athleisure wear backed with a purposeful meaning, and we support non-profit organizations that are doing the work in the community. We want to fill your closet with pieces that are comfortable, unique, and that also make a positive impact on the lives of others. We will donate 10% of our profit from each purchased Sankofa Pink Set to a non-profit of our choosing.
The Painted Pink Story
Our pillars focus on providing a unique opportunity to educate millennials about the benefits of breast health and self breast exams, nutrition, regular physical activity, clean beauty, and healthy lifestyle choices. We provide programs and events to show young adults how to live a preventative life. Since inception in 2014, Painted Pink has raised over $80K to create care kits and resources for newly diagnosed young breast cancer warriors at local hospitals, Piedmont Hospital and Grady Health.
Sankofa Unisex Varsity Jackets
10% of the proceeds will be donated to Painted Pink
Produced to provide athletes and non-athletes with stylish athleisure gear that is powerful and backed with purpose. That purpose is to GIVE BACK! We are not only providing you with originally designed unique compression pants, shirt, head bands, and sports bras. With your investment we will be able to support families. Your support will be providing women with mammograms, breast exams, post op physical therapy, and providing material for their clinic and support groups. This is the meaning behind them, "Look Back, Give Back Initiative.”
For more information about the Center For Black Women Wellness, Inc click the link below.